Tag: Common Sorrell (Rumex Acetosa)

Walking the policies

Finished strimming the lower sections of the walls along the driveway. It looks a bit of a mess at the moment, but hopefully it should encourage some new growth now that all the dead grass has been removed. The rough stuff in the Wildlife Field  with a quick cut actually looks pretty good. There’s less rock in there than I thought. At least Scott said he wouldn’t be dumping any more Cow Poop anymore….

Country Life: June

Having moaned about the lack of birds at the bird table throughout  last month, they are back with a vengeance. I can only presume that as most of them would still have been nesting, they were passing up food on the table for something a little more alive!  While most of the fat balls are being eaten by the Magpies, the food of choice seems to be the crushed seed. Pretty much everything we…