I’m really pissed off at the moment!
For the last 10 days or so, we’ve had a pretty good streak of reasonably clear skies. The big problem is that by the time it’s dark enough – about midnight – I’m so pooped that my bed is a more attractive proposition than the observatory 🙁 Even if I wasn’t, the full Moon blazing away, killed any faint glimmer of enthusiasm that I could muster 🙁
However, all is not lost. The Sun has been shining away during daylight hours, so why not try a little Solar observing. I also thought I would try my hand at some sketching. The results aren’t great, but it’s a start.
I did try and make these observations with the 250mm RC, but the view was terrible, so downsized to the TMB 80 – much better!
Session Data
- Date: 14/06/2014
- Time: 08:58 – 11:23 UT
- Seeing: I Somewhat Stable,
- Transparency: Mostly Clear.

Instrument: TMB 80 f/6, Delos 10mm., 48 X, 1.5°

Detail of Sunspots 2092 & 2087
Instrument: TMB 80 f/6, Delos 10mm., 2X Barlow, 96 X, 45′.

Detail of Sunspot 2090
Instrument: TMB 80 f/6, Delos 10mm., 2X Barlow, 96 X, 45′.

Detail of Sunspot 2089
Instrument: TMB 80 f/6, Delos 10mm., 2X Barlow, 96 X, 45′.

SOHO White Light Image for the day.

SOHO White Sunspot Numbers for the day.