It’s always the way! You go to somewhere like Port Issac for a trundle, and end up getting the best piccys from someones landing in Wadebridge. Oh well, if having a plan and completing it was easy, everyone would be doing it!!
I recently upgraded to the latest version of Hipstamatic ( 2.0.1) on the iPhone. Apart from the John S lens and Blanco film, I just can’t get on with some of the more wackier films and lens combos Hipstamatic offer. Having said that, the Claunch 72 film pack I just added, is lovely and crisp and gives a wonderful glow to certain subjects. One to experiment with further with I think.

I also had a chance to play with a friends Rolleicord Va – Model K3E Type 1. Built between April 1957 – February 1958, this little puppy was from a manufactured batch of 23,000 units.
Apart from a few scratches, it shows minimal sign of use. The focusing screen has degraded and gives you a feeling that the picture you are about to take is going to be heavily vignetted.
But the images that result are sharp and free from any discernible defect. I loved using this camera, and need to become an owner of either a flex or cord as soon as possible!