Had a little trundle down to Boscawen Park in Truro.
The Bronni batteries were playing up again, so I had to stuff a bit of dried leaf in the battery compartment to get the button cells to make contact with their respective connecting pins. (See my moan about this problem in a previous post)
One thing is for sure, a gap of many years without being in proper ‘Film Camera’ mode really does make you rusty. It made me realise that I should have packed my 2 and 3 stop ND filters as trying to open up to f2.8 to really throw those backgrounds out of focus, just ain’t gonna work with a 1/500 fastest shutter speed and FP4 even on an overcast day. That lesson is now parked in memory and I shall pack them next time.

The Truro Cricket ground was eerily silent, but then I guess everyone was at home watching the Test Match where the game was finely balanced – in India’s favour – on day four with England needing over 300 to win.

This last image reminds me that I really ought to tidy up the wiring on Sand’s workstation, then she’ll be able to add more monitors 🙂